Is Your Value Proposition Missing the Target?

Why You May Be Missing the Target A value proposition is not a single statement but different statements for different types of customers and different situations. Many salespeople attend a class and learn a formula for creating a value proposition. They work diligently to craft that critical opening statement or elevator pitch for customers. But […]

How to Get the Emotional Momentum to Succeed

Today, I want to build on a blog post by my friend Rob Jolles on Emotional Momentum. Rob wrote an excellent BLArticle® about wanting to achieve our goals but not being able to get started. Rob was so right. Breaking down goals into smaller achievable tasks makes the task less daunting. Success in these small tasks […]

How the Right Sales Metrics Avoid a Crisis

Revenue, number of total sales, and number of sales to new customers are the sales metrics that managers and executives typically track. They are focused on the final result of the salesperson’s efforts. However, applying Lean to sales will show that they are missing opportunities and their sales teams may be spending time with prospects […]